Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

Prior to the negotiation, contemplate a few surprise moves in advance. Role-play the responses you might get to an unexpected statement or question– and your subsequent reactions–with some of your colleagues.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

Most hard bargainers will be taken aback when you try to shift from a win-lose mindset to one of value creation and collaboration. That leaves the door open for the person who makes such a surprising move to do a bit of claiming for herself.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

Too many organizations demand that their negotiators get preapproval for their script, usually from the legal and financial Department. This policy hinders flexible exploration of better alternatives.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

At every moment in a negotiation, your counterpart is sending unspoken messages. If your substantive preparation is sufficient and your general confidence level high enough, you can devote more of your attention to picking up these important signals.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

In a business negotiation, o matter what assumptions you bring to your first session, you have to listen closely to discern whether your counterpart is behaving as you expected.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

Overall, our work to date suggests that business negotiators would benefit from building a repertoire of improvisational capabilities, including attentiveness, flexibility, and a willingness to take advantage of the element of surprise.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

The best negotiators know how to turn moments of surprise into opportunities to create something of value and significance.

Just as jazz musicians spend long hours learning to be spontaneous, negotiators will have more opportunities to get into the tasing zone and claim more than the other side if they enhance their improvisational skills.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

Organization may need to invest in building their facilitation capabilities, either by training employees or hiring outsiders. In the long term, these costs pay off in the form of better decisions as well as employees, customers, and constituents who are more satisfied. Wining at win-win negotiation requies a commitment to consensus building.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

Instead of making decisions by majority rule, build consensus:

  • Convene the group
  • Clarify responsibilities
  • Deliberate and brainstorm
  • Reach a decision
  • Implement the decision

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>