Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

After you have learned to distinguish good coaching from bad, you’ll be ready to identify the best negotiation coach for you. Finding a good negotiation coach can be critical to winning at win-win negotiation.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

Along with well-designed training and the right kind of leadership, companies and organizations should take steps to ensure that all their negotiators, especially new arrivals and up-and-comers, get the feedback and coaching they need to improve.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

To Assess The Value Of Negotiation Training:

  • Know the benefits of choosing a standard or tailored approach to training
  • Clarify your goals beforehand
  • Use strategic measurement strategies
  • Follow up and test progress regularly

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

New ideas and skills acquired through negotiation training can add both immediate and long-term value to an organization. Better-trained negotiators can bring about improved short-term financial performance and also enhance long-term customer relationships, service delivery, and employee satisfaction.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

At the organizational level, training can help managerment benchmark the levels of negotiation skill already in place and highlight institutional obstacles to achieving better performance.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

If you want to win at win-win negotiation, you must be able to count on your own organisation to provide appropriate support at key moments, or at least not undermine your negotiating efforts. negotiation training is one way to increase the odds that will get the support you need.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

By changing companywide negotiation practices, managers can reinforce the good habits that employees acquire in training and encourage long-term innovation. Managers at all levels need clear guidance, however, on how to improve the return on investment in negotiation training.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

Continually Improve Your Organization’s Negotiation Capabilities By:

  • Monitoring and assessing negotiation performance
  • Using a Preparation Worksheet
  • Offering ongoing coaching
  • Reporting the results of major negotiations

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

Each step requires a commitment of time and energy. Until it becomes an organizational norm, negotiation coaching is easily pushed aside when other pressing considerations arise.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

If you made a mistake last time around, you can decide in advance to do something different the next time. Then you’ll need to review the new results to determine whether you have improved. If these efforts aren’t documented, it’s easy to lose track of what can and should be learned.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>