Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

When preparing to negotiate, always take time to consider two important questions from your perspective, as well as the of the other side: What is your walk-away opinion, and what , in rank order, are you interests?

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

Most of the time,  the agenda in any negotiation can be expanded, and items can be packaged….If the client can’t afford the purchase immediately, but knows that she’ll have the necessary funds in six months, the two sides can reach a value-creating deal by exploiting their differing rankings of the three issues on the table.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:


  • Engage in joint fact-finding, not one-sided”educational ”efforts
  • Let all key stakeholders choose a mediator to help manage the consensus-building process
  • Promise to compensate potential losers, and hold any adversely affected neighborhoods harmless.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

Unless you hold potential losers harmless, they will oppose anything that is likely to hurt them. Trying to get them to support the project by telling them that the gains to everyone else outweigh whatever losses they might experience is crazy.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

As the weaker party in a negotiation, you can increase your leverage by forming strategic alliances that undercut your stronger opponent’s ability to generate a better offer that excludes you. In the language of negotiation, your goal should be not only improve your own walk-way option but also to reduce the 900-pound gorilla’s walk-away by co-opting the competition.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

When a stronger party is taking a tough financial stance,  it’s easy to believe that the negotiation is entirely about price. The fact is, nonmonetary considerations are often more important to one or both negotiating partners than you might expect.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

How can you generate an elegant solution in your negotiations with a stronger partner? First, to improve your walk-away, think about altering your own business strategy. Specifically, look for low-cost ways to generate greater returns under your current contract.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

In mangy negotiations ,the parties at the table represent large constituencies. Whether the negotiators are corporate employees or neighborhood activists, it’s unreasonable to expect them to communicate the results of sophisticated technical analysis to their constituents without help.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

When confronted with an unattractive offer from a powerful competitor, the best way to alter the balance of power may be to seek an elegant solution. An elegant solution often exports the underused resources of one negotiating partner for the benefit of both. Such a solution may require a substantial investment of time, money, and effort- and it doesn’t emerge on its own.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>