Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

When choosing an agent, put yours needs first. Agents  specialize in different fields and have known reputations— differences that can improve or diminish your chances of getting the outcome you desire.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

Whenever you’re worried that you won’t be able to pursue your interests effectively— especially in the face of aggressive behavior on the other side—you’d be well advised to find an agent to represent you.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

Sometimes negotiations lead you out of your comfort zone and into unfamiliar territory.When you are unsure of the issues under discussion or the rules of the game, you’b be wise to seek inexperienced agent.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

Some experts suggest that agents can prevent negotiations from discovering the trading zone—from making the transition from adversaries to cooperative problem solvers. According to this logic an agentry have personal interests that clash with those of his principal, and this could keep negotiators from finding common ground.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

When you’re approaching a new kind of negotiation, you need to be able to recognize when you’re in over your head. In such cases, it might be smart to quit before you even begin. That is, it may make sense to have someone more experienced take your place at the table.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

Agents are often in the best possible position to create value sine they can take a less competitive stand toward the other side, at least at the outset of a negotiation.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

Winning at win-win negotiation in internal situations requires the same commitment to getting into the trading zone, and creating and then claiming value, as winning in negotiations with  external partners.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

The best way to work work out these internal conflicts is through direct negotiations among those affected by proposed management changes. Efforts to impose solutions from the top, although still the norm, are not as effective as agreements reached voluntarily by those who know the most about whatever has to be worked out and by those who have to implement new ways of doing business.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

Winning at win-win negotiation with strategic part partners requires a light touch. When long-term relationships between companies or negotiating partners are important, how much you win in the short term (in a single deal) is less important than maintaining relationships and leaving open the possibility of doing especially well in future interactions. 

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

When the other side is a key strategic partner:

  • Know their needs and interests
  • Great as much value as you can
  • Emphasize the value of your long-term relationship
  • Give them the benefit of the doubt
  • Avoid surprising them

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>