Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

A better strategy would be for the groups to engage in joint fact-finding:

  1. Jointly choose a set of respected experts with different views and disciplinary backgrounds.

2. Work with these experts to enumerate the scientific questions to be addressed


Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

Generating mutual gains in an emotionally heated situation often depends on developing a shared analysis or forecast. With out a common framework for analysis, it is too easy to fall into a test of wills.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

A better strategy might be to express sympathy for an apology. It is often possible to acknowledge the public’s concerns without accepting responsibility and generating exposure to liability. This is another element of facilitative leadership.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill


Learning from the following favorite words:

The six prescriptions that we believe can help any organization facing an anger public win at win-win negotiation:


5. Act in a Trustworthy Manner ar All times

6. Focus on Building Long-term Relationships

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

The six prescriptions that we believe can help any organization facing an anger public win at win-win negotiation:


3. Offer contingent Commitments;

4. Accept Responsibility, Admit Mistakes, and Share Power


Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

From our studies of past practices in industry and government, we have identified six prescriptions that we believe can help any organization facing an anger public win at win-win negotiation

  1. Acknowledge the concerns of the other side;
  2. Encourage joint face-finding

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

Here are some of the challenges of being a facilitative leader:

You need to build sufficient organizational negotiating capability so you can trust your individual negotiators to make good decisions on your organization’s behalf.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

Here are some of the challenges of being a facilitative leader:

You can’t be present during every negotiation your organization has to complete. You have to empower your negotiators to improvise

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>

Vivian chih’s sharing of negotiation skill

Learning from the following favorite words:

Facilitative leaders:

1).Consult with the people they are leading to design an effective decision-making process;

2) Build the group’s decision-making capacity

3) Are committed to decision making by consensus.

Quote from <Good for you, great for me>